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Activities in the field of economic cooperation and the promotion

ZAMKON company implements a project financed by the European Regional Development Fund: activities in the field of economic cooperation and the promotion executed by ZAMKON in K-Koźle.

The project is expected to take action in the field of economic cooperation and promotion in order to increase the level of foreign trade enterprises, internationalization. It is expected to take pro-export activities by participating in international trade fairs, as well as through the organization of trade missions aimed at individual customers in the area of heavy industry.

The aim of the project is to develop exports, intensifying relations with foreign partners and increase awareness of the brand in foreign markets. Implementation of the project is to ensure the strengthening of an undertaking which is the next stage of market expansion, through its promotion to new foreign markets and current, and consequently enable the success of the market in the form of further strengthening the position and the subsequent takeover of the market of industrial valves. Increase of competitiveness of companies in the field of information superiority, will be associated with the processes of creating promotions. During the planned activities undertaken within the framework of the project, potential buyers will be informed about the qualities of product quality and the attractive price correlated with the quality of a particular product range, which will be relativized to the competition. This action will be shaping by the buyers preferences, which leads to the acceptance of the offer by potential customers.

The project is expected to be among the introduction of organizational changes process which will involve the creation of the export department and to extract under the heading cell, eg. for. service European markets. In addition, is expected to introduce changes in the process, ie. The development of new procedures and processes, packaging and shipping products to foreign markets.

The value of the project: 608 415,00 PLN

Project financing from the EU: 298 123.35 PLN

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Sales and Design Office

Production plant

ul. Jana Cybisa 23
47-206 Kędzierzyn-Koźle
(dzielnica Żabieniec)


tel./fax (+48) 77 482 40 71
tel./fax (+48) 77 482 09 67
tel. (+48) 77 472 20 10

Logistics and Production Plant (delivery and collection)

ul. Mostowa 35A
47-220 Kędzierzyn-Koźle
(dzielnica Azoty)
tel. (+48) 77 482 34 94

Research and Development Department

ul. Mostowa 35
47-220 Kędzierzyn-Koźle
(dzielnica Azoty)
tel. (+48) 77 483 06 16

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